Harry Bosch in ‘The Drop’ by Michael Connelly review.
When i started reading The Drop i thought i was reading a script from a reality T.V.cop show , a bunch of station cop chatter, yes that is right this book starts slow , all of Connelly's books do,so i was not to concerned. It was not long before Bosh and Chu had 2 cases going,.I have read and been a fan of the Harry Bosch series for quite a few books now, Harry is kind of a grumpy older dirty harry with a daughter he raises as a single dad.He bends the rules but does not break them.
The son of a councilman commits suicide and of course they demand Bosh takes the case even though the father and Bosh hate each other.I like the book because you predict a lot of things that are going to happen and your wrong ,that's what a good book is all about,your interest makes you predict and the author guesses your prediction misleads you and you look like a fool in your own eyes for not being right.I was wrong 2 or 3 times in this story,so you know there is a lot of twists that keep your interest.
Grumpy Bosh even manages a little romance with a sex councilor,and of course she has more issues than the New York Times.I like this book but i like the last half much better than the first half.It is basically a true detective story along the lines of Mike Hammer or Alex Cross. Connelly is not Patterson nor is Bosh, Alex Cross, but it is a must read and it will entertain you, this book will sell well simply because it is believable, it is not fantasy.
If this review was helpful please click the image to buy the book thank you.Rated a Must buy
Reviews,Jack Reacher novels in order,Alex Cross books in order,New York times best sellers,buy now paperback or for kindle or nook.we tell you the best books to buy
Friday, December 9, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
EXPLOSIVE EIGHTEEN, by Janet Evanovich review
EXPLOSIVE EIGHTEEN, by Janet Evanovich review. #18
As i read this book i had the feeling i read it before, i did 17 other times.10 of the first 18 made you smile even laugh at times.There were twist and adventure and love.But most of all she finished the story,unlike in EXPLOSIVE EIGHTEEN, as soon as she finishes the last 5 chapters I'm sure it will be worth reading.
Come on really, how many times is the same guy going to steal your car,there are some bright spots in this book and when it is finished and republished i will buy it ,till then buy kill Alex Cross it's much better,or Lee Child’s astonishing new thriller One Shot,or even The Litigators,Janet is a great writer but certainly this is not her best work. She needs to take her time and get her humor back as that's what her style was all about i would love to see it back.This is a do not buy sorry Janet.But if you want it here is the e book and paper back link

As i read this book i had the feeling i read it before, i did 17 other times.10 of the first 18 made you smile even laugh at times.There were twist and adventure and love.But most of all she finished the story,unlike in EXPLOSIVE EIGHTEEN, as soon as she finishes the last 5 chapters I'm sure it will be worth reading.
Come on really, how many times is the same guy going to steal your car,there are some bright spots in this book and when it is finished and republished i will buy it ,till then buy kill Alex Cross it's much better,or Lee Child’s astonishing new thriller One Shot,or even The Litigators,Janet is a great writer but certainly this is not her best work. She needs to take her time and get her humor back as that's what her style was all about i would love to see it back.This is a do not buy sorry Janet.But if you want it here is the e book and paper back link
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Answer:Read a book
Answer:Read a book
Question:I am bored there's nothing to do,what can i do that is different and good for me and not expensive.
Reading: was a lost pass time for a while but now with online book sales, and the nook and kindle readers reading is on a huge upswing. 5 billion sites on reading now wow that is exciting, it means literacy is back.Reading is to the mind what exercising is to the body, if you do not exercise, you get soft and flabby ,out of shape same with your brain ,if you do not use it it gets soft and out of shape and your memory is not 100 percent.It has been proven if you read and exercise your brain, your more alert and your memory improves.
Reading is also one of the best stress and anxiety reducers we know of. If you had a bad week sit down with a good action book,or romance novel or what ever your interest is, block out the world and live the life you are reading about.This is great for your heart and brain as the stress goes away and you are using your brain exercising it as we would say. Do this for a couple weeks and watch the improvement in your mental health your memory and your life style.
Reading a book may be a little more work than watching a movie, but it is much more descriptive and personal as in a movie you never know what the character is thinking, you are often filling in the blanks.But in a book you get to know what everyone thinks you get to know each individual character is thinking what they are like ,almost like you know them personally. A well written book fills in the blanks, gives you profiles on every one,so in your head your only trying to predict the ending,and you can not stop reading because you need to know if your right.
There is a book on every subject known, i do not care what the subject is you can find a book to read to fill your interest.All the knowledge of man has been written down in a book,not only can your exercise your brain you can learn things you never had any idea you did not know.Always read books that you are interest in the subject they are writing about as you will not loose interest.Always choose a book written by a good author, like James Patterson or Lee Child or Stephen King. Try to read a review on it first to see if it's within your interest range.I like action, suspense, thriller books my wife reads romance novels. But there is a book for you out there exercise your brain ,your memory ,try reading a good book.
Here are a few i like.
Question:I am bored there's nothing to do,what can i do that is different and good for me and not expensive.
Reading: was a lost pass time for a while but now with online book sales, and the nook and kindle readers reading is on a huge upswing. 5 billion sites on reading now wow that is exciting, it means literacy is back.Reading is to the mind what exercising is to the body, if you do not exercise, you get soft and flabby ,out of shape same with your brain ,if you do not use it it gets soft and out of shape and your memory is not 100 percent.It has been proven if you read and exercise your brain, your more alert and your memory improves.
Reading is also one of the best stress and anxiety reducers we know of. If you had a bad week sit down with a good action book,or romance novel or what ever your interest is, block out the world and live the life you are reading about.This is great for your heart and brain as the stress goes away and you are using your brain exercising it as we would say. Do this for a couple weeks and watch the improvement in your mental health your memory and your life style.
Reading a book may be a little more work than watching a movie, but it is much more descriptive and personal as in a movie you never know what the character is thinking, you are often filling in the blanks.But in a book you get to know what everyone thinks you get to know each individual character is thinking what they are like ,almost like you know them personally. A well written book fills in the blanks, gives you profiles on every one,so in your head your only trying to predict the ending,and you can not stop reading because you need to know if your right.
There is a book on every subject known, i do not care what the subject is you can find a book to read to fill your interest.All the knowledge of man has been written down in a book,not only can your exercise your brain you can learn things you never had any idea you did not know.Always read books that you are interest in the subject they are writing about as you will not loose interest.Always choose a book written by a good author, like James Patterson or Lee Child or Stephen King. Try to read a review on it first to see if it's within your interest range.I like action, suspense, thriller books my wife reads romance novels. But there is a book for you out there exercise your brain ,your memory ,try reading a good book.
Here are a few i like.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
11/22/63 review Stephen King
I usually I like about every other Stephen King book starting with Carrie[1974] which was just OK .Salem's lot1975] loved it.Rage [1977] yuk,Then came The Shining which i thought was the best book ever written,The dead zone ,The long walk, Fire starter,Cujo, were all very average books,I liked Roadwork, but then The dark tower series started I loved all of them, so you get the point,I am a Stephen King Fan At times.
11/23/63 is a time travel book like, back to the future,only it is a tunnel, in a sparsely visited restaurant instead of a car.One thing I love about this book is right off the top Stephen gives you the time tunnel rules.You walk into the back room of this restaurant look at the light,keep walking till there's nothing under your feet.When you get there it will always be Sept 9 [,1958 At 11:58 am ] No matter how long you stay 1 day or 10 years when your back only 2 minutes will of passed.If you go more than 1 time every thing you did the time before will be erased.This made the book easy to understand putting it right up front,so you know rules.
Jake Epping is the teacher who goes back in time to save Kennedy and change the world.Jake tails Oswald for years getting to know him trying to figure out if he did it ,if it was a conspiracy basically trying to solve history.He cannot kill Oswald till he was 100 percent sure he did it.In saving Kennedy it would save Martin Luther king,Bobby Kennedy and stop the race riots and the Vietnam war.Or would it can history be changed,will it bounce right back like it in a track and can not be derailed. These are the questions Jake must answer to himself before he changes time.
King does a great job in making this science fiction seem real.Of course Jake falls in love ,which complicates things.This book is a great what if history lesson,and a great story by a writer who can be genius at times ,or so far out you question his sanity.This book is the brilliant Stephen King, Writing a book about questions we all have asked over the years,it is by far the best book he ever wrote out of many great and average books.This one brings him back to genius in my eyes.It is a must read your a fool if you pass it up.Down load it on your new nook I pad or it comes a thousand ways hard cover soft cover you name it.

11/23/63 is a time travel book like, back to the future,only it is a tunnel, in a sparsely visited restaurant instead of a car.One thing I love about this book is right off the top Stephen gives you the time tunnel rules.You walk into the back room of this restaurant look at the light,keep walking till there's nothing under your feet.When you get there it will always be Sept 9 [,1958 At 11:58 am ] No matter how long you stay 1 day or 10 years when your back only 2 minutes will of passed.If you go more than 1 time every thing you did the time before will be erased.This made the book easy to understand putting it right up front,so you know rules.
Jake Epping is the teacher who goes back in time to save Kennedy and change the world.Jake tails Oswald for years getting to know him trying to figure out if he did it ,if it was a conspiracy basically trying to solve history.He cannot kill Oswald till he was 100 percent sure he did it.In saving Kennedy it would save Martin Luther king,Bobby Kennedy and stop the race riots and the Vietnam war.Or would it can history be changed,will it bounce right back like it in a track and can not be derailed. These are the questions Jake must answer to himself before he changes time.
King does a great job in making this science fiction seem real.Of course Jake falls in love ,which complicates things.This book is a great what if history lesson,and a great story by a writer who can be genius at times ,or so far out you question his sanity.This book is the brilliant Stephen King, Writing a book about questions we all have asked over the years,it is by far the best book he ever wrote out of many great and average books.This one brings him back to genius in my eyes.It is a must read your a fool if you pass it up.Down load it on your new nook I pad or it comes a thousand ways hard cover soft cover you name it.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The Litigators review
The Litigators review
If you like Bruce Willis movies you will love The Litigators,because it's full of suspense and humor,John Grisham expanded his sense of humor much more here than in any other of his books. Grisham fascination with the law continues here,as you have a Harvard grad lawyer quit his 300,000 a year job at a major law firm in a drunken stooper as he was not satified being secure.31-year-old David Zinc hooks up with two ambulance chasing flunky lawyers Wally Figg and Oscar Finley after he convinces them to hire him under a fools contract, he gets mixed up in there soap opera lives and takes on a massive lawsuit against the third largest pharmaceutical company in the world over a drug called Krayoxx. Now who do you think there law firm is ,of course David's old boss .None of these clowns has ever been in federal court before and there up against a monster law firm, but David knows them it's like a football player who has been traded always has the game of his life against his old team ,same idea here.The thing I love about Grisham is the complete way he builds each and every character in his books,like you know them personally when your finished reading it.It's a great poor boy against big company story read it to see who prevails.USA today did not like this book that what inspired me to read it i never agree with them and again i was right this is a amazing book you will love it it's a must read. It is my cousin Vinny and the firm combined.
nook e book or hard cover

If you like Bruce Willis movies you will love The Litigators,because it's full of suspense and humor,John Grisham expanded his sense of humor much more here than in any other of his books. Grisham fascination with the law continues here,as you have a Harvard grad lawyer quit his 300,000 a year job at a major law firm in a drunken stooper as he was not satified being secure.31-year-old David Zinc hooks up with two ambulance chasing flunky lawyers Wally Figg and Oscar Finley after he convinces them to hire him under a fools contract, he gets mixed up in there soap opera lives and takes on a massive lawsuit against the third largest pharmaceutical company in the world over a drug called Krayoxx. Now who do you think there law firm is ,of course David's old boss .None of these clowns has ever been in federal court before and there up against a monster law firm, but David knows them it's like a football player who has been traded always has the game of his life against his old team ,same idea here.The thing I love about Grisham is the complete way he builds each and every character in his books,like you know them personally when your finished reading it.It's a great poor boy against big company story read it to see who prevails.USA today did not like this book that what inspired me to read it i never agree with them and again i was right this is a amazing book you will love it it's a must read. It is my cousin Vinny and the firm combined.
nook e book or hard cover
Saturday, November 19, 2011
James Patterson's Kill Alex Cross review
James Patterson's Kill Alex Cross is one of the best Patterson book's that he has written,kill Alex Cross just out is going to out sell them all that's a lot, since Patterson sell's more books than anyone including Nora Roberts.Detective Alex Cross is at it again this time it is the president's kids that are kidnapped,and it is a inside job ,and there keeping Alex off the case and out of commission even though he was first on the scene.Of course Alex cant be kept out not when the world is at stake.A ton of action,suspense,and a true thriller and of course there's always 4 or 5 twists as you would expect from Patterson after all that's why he's number one.You can buy the book here at B@N or amazon click them both check the price or load it on your Nook which is what i did ,check out the nook tablet too it's amazing.This book is a must read as always Cross is exciting and again on the best seller list.
The President's son and daughter are abducted, and Detective Alex Cross is one of the first on the scene. But someone very high-up is using the FBI, Secret Service, and CIA to keep him off the case and in the dark.
A deadly contagion in the water supply cripples half of the capital, and Alex discovers that someone may be about to unleash the most devastating attack the United States has ever experienced.
As his window for solving both crimes narrows, Alex makes a desperate decision that goes against everything he believes—one that may alter the fate of the entire country. KILL ALEX CROSS is faster, more exciting, and more tightly wound than any Alex Cross thriller James Patterson has ever written!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Ex–military investigator Jack Reacher is back
Ex–military investigator Jack Reacher is back to work In Lee Child’s astonishing new thriller One Shot.Child's new novel begins when a sniper methodically kills five office workers.Reacher is teamed with a young defense lawyer who is working against her D.A. father and dueling with a prosecution team that has an explosive secret of its own. Like most things Reacher has known in his life, this case is a complex battlefield. But, as always, in battle, Reacher is at his best. Is jack working for the killer ex-infantry specialist James Barr. Four Russians and a 80 year old Freddy Kruger take Jack on a trip of action and suspense.This is a great book great enough that Tom Cruise will take on the starring role in the movie.Jack is dangerous ,smart,viscus and the worlds biggest loner.He is defiantly the man you want on your side.I recommend this book 100 percent if you love hero action books its the best.
click the image on the side bar to purchase it now.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Jack Reacher Novels
Jack Reacher Novels written bye Lee Child
In Lee Child.s Jack REACHER he created an epic hero: tough, taciturn, but vulnerable. Reacher.s first three novels, Killing Floor, Die Trying and Tripwire, were published with great success, Killing Floor has recently received the United States Anthony Award for Best First novel, Die Trying was selected as a resounding Read Good for WH Smith in Britain Lee was also named as one of the current hot talents in writing by Mark Timlin Crime Writers Festival on crime, "died on Deansgate.

The Affair
It all starts somewhere. . . . join the elite military cop Jack Reacher , somewhere, was crossing Carter, Mississippi, in 1997. A solitary railway line. A crime scene. A cover-up.
A young man died, and the points of strong evidence of a soldier from a nearby military base. However, this soldier has powerful friends in Washington.
Jack Reacher ordered undercover to find out what they can to monitor the local police, and then disappear. Jack Reacher is a good soldier. But when it comes to pass, Carter will find layers no one ever expected, and the investigation is out of control.
The local sheriff by Elizabeth Deveraux is a driving force for justice and the desire to know there secrets. Unsure can trust each other, and reacher Deveraux reluctantly join forces. Reacher is working to uncover the truth, while others are trying to bury it deeper. Conspirators threatened to crush his faith in his mission, and make him a man to fear.
Novel of relentless tension could only come from the pen # 1 New York Times best-selling author Lee Child, is the beginning of the saga Asia reacher, thriller, which takes reacher and listeners, from edge to edge. . . and thereafter.
Jack Reacher
With, No. 1 New York Times bestseller Lee Child has created "a series that is at the forefront of modern thrillers" (The Washington Post).
Tom Cruise is in talks to play Jack reacher, a tough created by guy writer Lee Child. Child says he does not care that Cruise , is 10 inches shorter and perhaps a little 'older than his fictional fictional, he still may assume the role.
"Reaching the size of the books are a metaphor for an unstoppable force, which depicts Cruise in his own way," child said, according to Deadline Hollywood, which has an exclusive report on the potential movie deal.
In Lee Child.s Jack REACHER he created an epic hero: tough, taciturn, but vulnerable. Reacher.s first three novels, Killing Floor, Die Trying and Tripwire, were published with great success, Killing Floor has recently received the United States Anthony Award for Best First novel, Die Trying was selected as a resounding Read Good for WH Smith in Britain Lee was also named as one of the current hot talents in writing by Mark Timlin Crime Writers Festival on crime, "died on Deansgate.
The Affair
It all starts somewhere. . . . join the elite military cop Jack Reacher , somewhere, was crossing Carter, Mississippi, in 1997. A solitary railway line. A crime scene. A cover-up.
A young man died, and the points of strong evidence of a soldier from a nearby military base. However, this soldier has powerful friends in Washington.
Jack Reacher ordered undercover to find out what they can to monitor the local police, and then disappear. Jack Reacher is a good soldier. But when it comes to pass, Carter will find layers no one ever expected, and the investigation is out of control.
The local sheriff by Elizabeth Deveraux is a driving force for justice and the desire to know there secrets. Unsure can trust each other, and reacher Deveraux reluctantly join forces. Reacher is working to uncover the truth, while others are trying to bury it deeper. Conspirators threatened to crush his faith in his mission, and make him a man to fear.
Novel of relentless tension could only come from the pen # 1 New York Times best-selling author Lee Child, is the beginning of the saga Asia reacher, thriller, which takes reacher and listeners, from edge to edge. . . and thereafter.
Jack Reacher
With, No. 1 New York Times bestseller Lee Child has created "a series that is at the forefront of modern thrillers" (The Washington Post).
Tom Cruise is in talks to play Jack reacher, a tough created by guy writer Lee Child. Child says he does not care that Cruise , is 10 inches shorter and perhaps a little 'older than his fictional fictional, he still may assume the role.
"Reaching the size of the books are a metaphor for an unstoppable force, which depicts Cruise in his own way," child said, according to Deadline Hollywood, which has an exclusive report on the potential movie deal.
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