We were introduced to Salvatore ' Sal' in "The Flight of Jimmy Eagleson" but we get to know
and truly appreciate him in this second book of Jeff Delbel's trilogy. "Salvatore" reunites us with
several of our favorites from the Jimmy Eagleson gang then strengthens the story line with new
, spirited and often unpredictably predictable characters Sal meets throughout this journey. And
what a journey it is!
Following the principled, commanding Sal in his search for inner peace was anything but peaceful
. It reminded me of the Wild Mouse rides at the fair. Every time I thought the story was on a straight
path it took a sharp turn. And then there's the shell game!
If you like your books filled with strong characters, adventure, fun, humor and a twist of romance,
this is the one for you. Chins up, Jeff. You have another winner on your hands.
Delbel has done it again with another extraordinary fiction. I loved his “Jimmy Eagleson,” but for me
“Salvatore” tops it for excitement. I’ll be surprised if some producer doesn’t pick it up for a movie
. Only Sal’s heart, nearly as big and strong as he is physically, saves him from destroying himself
and others around him. But it's also a story of redemption and a love story — about a man's love for a brilliant, beautiful young woman, for his mother, his friends, and above all for himself. Delbel has another book in the works? Keep writing, Jeff Delbel!.
Format: Paperback
In Jeff Delbel's wonderful novel, Salvatore is called to the high adventure of self-exploration. As the story
unfolds this emphasis upon inner development gives depth and richness to the story. At the same time
the story unfolds in the physical world with interesting characters and vivid and exciting real-world
experiences. The author has created a novel that can be read and experienced on several levels.
And they all come together to create a truly memorable reading adventure.
Don't hesitate on this one buy it now great great read you will love it.