The wall street protesters will love this one,as a hedge fund manager develops a program that detects movements in the stock market,and some one is out to get revenge with him from the writer of the Ghost and the movie version the ghost writer writes a book about what everyone is protesting, at a time when they need more fuel on there fire.Pretty good book about high fiance and wall street, i like it.
This is a extremely relevant thriller centered about the present economic depression and its starting symptoms. The plot throws a unique twist on Artificial Intelligence getting out of control and works on the human fear of computers taking over, as effectively as the AI using THE FEAR INDEX to establish where to make investments. The book centers on the main character Dr Alex Hoffman, a physicist who sets up a hedge fund which, using his self-learning program, generates him a large fortune. Bizarre things begin to happen and Alex understands he is not as fully in command of his life as he believed and begins to question himself and events. The writing is superior, the information and dialogue are truly professianl. **** 4 stars Buy it it's good.
Agent 6 by Tom Rob Smith.
This is my favorite book the third in a trilogy, i have been waiting for by author of Child 44,and Secret Speech and now the final ,Child 44 won numerous awards along with my respect for the author with 3 short names.
Tom Rob Smith's final book in his superb sequence went in directions I wasn't anticipating. Situations unfolded that maintained me on the edge of my seat, not really prepared for the traumatic, terrifying, and ultimately bittersweet denouement of a fantastic story. when i finished the book the book i had a feeling of deep despair that I wouldn't be seeing Leo in the foreseeable future, but fulfilled with how Smith came to the conclusion of Leo's quest. Leo's bravery and honor in the first two books are tested and beaten down in the beginning of Agent 6. Ultimately, Leo finds his way back and resolves the issues that almost demolished him. I'm not being precise in order to prevent spoilers, but let me say that viewers of the first two books will stay thoroughly engaged in Leo's challenges and search for vengeance. Also unanticipated, Smith brings a softness to the finish that left me in tears. He's done a outstanding job with all three books. I'm hoping that he continues to write, a new series of books with the same enlightening, well-researched, character-driven stories as he has done with these three. You will see 3 star ratings on this book ignor them it's hogwash,this is a 5 star book through and through,the ones who gave it less havn't read all three books.***** 5 stars Buy it now
The Fear Index
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