Capture by Roger Smith review
You do not read a Roger Smith book you live it
6 months ago i apologized to Roger Smith for not reading any of his books,i then stated Dust devils as one of the best books i had ever read,i then i read wake up dead and i knew this was one of the greatest suspense writers of our generation.A few days ago Robert sent me a personal twit telling me his new book Capture was available at amazon e books immediately i downloaded it and began reading my 5th Roger Smith thriller.
One thing about books with hero's bigger than life is they usually are squeaky clean tough guys with high morals ,big guns and at worst a heavy sexual appetite as in James bond ,Jack Reacher and many James Patterson thrillers.The thing i notice most about Smiths books is each book gets better with Dust devils having been his best work up till now.
I love books that are different, in this day when so many books are similar with ,matching hero's in the bond image,or the ,mass produced love stories from Nora Roberts who writes books faster than i can read them and some of them such as The three fates i thought were amazing.that is the reason i loved Fifty Shades of Grey a erotic love story with a lot of bondage thrown in but had a intense love story line because it was different someone had the balls to put a bondage love story on the best seller list a trilogy, all three hit number one so i guess i am not the only one who likes something new and different.
All that brings me to this point the reason Roger Smith's books are so different, so intense is the hero is never squeaky clean, he mite be just one step away from being the bad guy, maybe a drug addict or a drunk every single one of the characters in smith's books have flaws not only making them interesting but making them understandable to us flawed readers.Roger does an amazing job of a taking flawed hero's making them so likable you feel like there your friends or neighbors.I love down and dirty books about poverty rebellion and survival and that is what Capture is all about.This guy's writing is so good you can smell the stench of the swamps,feel the Capetown heat or smell the pot in the background you do not read a Roger Smith book you live it as if your there with him.
Roger Smith again makes Cape Town the most frightful city on earth with corruption, murder and mystery and lies,this book is sure to be a block buster movie as it is brilliant one of the best written books i have ever read truly is a book you will not put down till you finish it,live this master piece no way you can not like this book i promise.
This is very new i think it's only on kindle right now Capture

You do not read a Roger Smith book you live it
6 months ago i apologized to Roger Smith for not reading any of his books,i then stated Dust devils as one of the best books i had ever read,i then i read wake up dead and i knew this was one of the greatest suspense writers of our generation.A few days ago Robert sent me a personal twit telling me his new book Capture was available at amazon e books immediately i downloaded it and began reading my 5th Roger Smith thriller.
One thing about books with hero's bigger than life is they usually are squeaky clean tough guys with high morals ,big guns and at worst a heavy sexual appetite as in James bond ,Jack Reacher and many James Patterson thrillers.The thing i notice most about Smiths books is each book gets better with Dust devils having been his best work up till now.
I love books that are different, in this day when so many books are similar with ,matching hero's in the bond image,or the ,mass produced love stories from Nora Roberts who writes books faster than i can read them and some of them such as The three fates i thought were amazing.that is the reason i loved Fifty Shades of Grey a erotic love story with a lot of bondage thrown in but had a intense love story line because it was different someone had the balls to put a bondage love story on the best seller list a trilogy, all three hit number one so i guess i am not the only one who likes something new and different.
All that brings me to this point the reason Roger Smith's books are so different, so intense is the hero is never squeaky clean, he mite be just one step away from being the bad guy, maybe a drug addict or a drunk every single one of the characters in smith's books have flaws not only making them interesting but making them understandable to us flawed readers.Roger does an amazing job of a taking flawed hero's making them so likable you feel like there your friends or neighbors.I love down and dirty books about poverty rebellion and survival and that is what Capture is all about.This guy's writing is so good you can smell the stench of the swamps,feel the Capetown heat or smell the pot in the background you do not read a Roger Smith book you live it as if your there with him.
Roger Smith again makes Cape Town the most frightful city on earth with corruption, murder and mystery and lies,this book is sure to be a block buster movie as it is brilliant one of the best written books i have ever read truly is a book you will not put down till you finish it,live this master piece no way you can not like this book i promise.
This is very new i think it's only on kindle right now Capture
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